How to use the PrEP ring?
A woman can insert the PrEP ring herself
and replace it with a new one each month.

With the PrEP ring in place
A woman can go about her daily activities as usual.
She does not need to remove the PrEP ring to clean it.
In order for the PrEP ring to do its job, it must stay inserted at all times. It should not be removed during the month. You can have sex with the ring inserted.
How the PrEP ring works?
The PrEP ring sits inside the vagina near the cervix.
Where it slowly release antiretroval drug called dapivirine over 1 month into the vagina, at the site of potential infection. Dapivirine prevents HIV from making copies of itself inside healthy cells.
It is important that the PrEP ring is left in place for the full month to ensure that risk reduction is achieved.

Steps on how to insert the PrEP ring
Squeeze the sides of the ring together
Or squeeze it into a number 8 shape
Using your other hand hold open the folds of skin around your vagina
Place the tip of the ring into the opening of your vagina
Use your index finger to gently push the folded ring in
Replace after one month
Watch the video to learn how to use the PrEP ring?
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